Friday, August 23, 2013

Not the One We Need, Nor the One We Deserve: Ben Affleck is Our New Batman...

Well, in case you live in a household without internet (which wouldn't make sense given you're reading this right now), but last night Warner Brothers officially announced that Ben Affleck will be starring opposite Henry Cavill in the yet to be titled Superman/Batman sequel to Man of Steel,  as none-other than Batman aka Bruce Wayne.........yes, that Ben Affleck.

Now I know I'm behind on posting some of the following, but I just wanted to give a little bit of background on the situation in case there is at least one person out there scratching their heads wondering what the heck is going on.  

So last month at San Diego Comic Con, Warner Brothers announced that they were indeed moving forward with a sequel to Man of Steel and that it would team up/pit against Superman and Batman.  Obviously, for the most part, nerdgasms all around.  

Naturally speculation began on who would be stepping into the cape and cowl.  Reports starting flooding the interwebs that Warner Brothers was looking for an older, more grizzled and experienced Batman...think early-to-mid 40s.  Soon names began to circulate, with the likes of Josh Brolin, Jim Caviezel, Jon Hamm, Gerard Bulter and even Ryan Gosling.  Rumors even started that WB was willing to pay Christian Bale $50 - $60 million to come back.  Well you can throw all of that out the window, because it appears we're stuck with Ben Affleck.

I'll admit, when I first heard that a Batman vs Superman movie was becoming a reality, I was pretty excited.  But the more I think about it, the more it feels rushed by WB.  Whether you loved or hated Man of Steel, it ultimately left us with a half completed Superman.  He hasn't become that beacon of hope he's meant to be yet and there's so much of Clark's story left to tell, that I feel a stand alone MoS sequel is really what the next step should be.  If you want to continue to establish a shared universe, ala Marvel, have a Bruce Wayne cameo.  But no, greedy WB will allow their biggest movie property to completely hijack a newly rebooted Superman franchise...and quite frankly, I don't think that's right.  If I was Henry Cavill, I'd be pissed.  But I digress.

Now, when I read the casting announcement last night, I was pissed.  I still am actually.  I have nothing against Affleck.  In fact, I actually really like him from movies like Hollywoodland, The Town and Argo.  However, he is no Batman/Bruce Wayne.  I've never seen him completely vanish into a character.  Any film I seen with him in it, all I see is Ben Affleck...usually doing a hokey Bostonian accent...and that's what I'm now expecting to see in this Batman vs Superman movie (minus the accent, I hope).  The whole time, I'll just be looking at screen thinking, "yup, that's Ben Affleck dressed as Batman...*facepalm*"  I can't help to think this is total stunt casting to get people to continue to talk/debate this film.  I mean, come on, hasn't anyone at WB seen Daredevil?

Anyway, regardless of my personal feelings, Ben Affleck is our new Batman and we'll all have to find a way to live with that.  Who knows, maybe he'll pull a Heath Ledger and completely blow us away.  Here's hoping at least...

If interested, you can check out the official press release after the break.

What do you think of the casting announcement?  Love it?  Hate it?  Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Nerdblock: the Monthly Mystery Box Service for Nerds

Subscription based "mystery" box services seem to be all the rage today.  You have your men's and women's Birchbox services, for those that want to keep up with the latest grooming trends.  You got Barkbox, which contains a number of goodies for your dog.  The Trunk Club for helping men become a snappier dressers.  Hell, there's even a Mystery Tackle Box for fishing enthusiasts!  But what about geeky guys and gals that just want to spoil their inner nerdy child?

Well that's where Nerdblock comes in.  They are a new monthly mystery box service, tailor made for all your geeky interests.  For just $19.99 a month, they'll ship you a box containing a limited edition t-shirt, along with several other collectibles "sure to give you a nerdgasm".  Each box contains cool merchandise from brands like Star Wars, Doctor Who, Marvel, Disney, Nintendo and many many more.  All you need to do when you sign up is pick your t-shirt size and style, fill in your shipping details and then just wait for it to arrive in the mail.

I'm definitely going to sign up and can't wait to see what comes in each box.  If you're interested, check out their site at, their Twitter or even their Facebook page to find out more.

Thanks to Katie Johnson for sending this my way.

As always, stay nerdy my friends :)

Source: Nerdblock

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Donkey Kong Stop Motion

If you're a regular of the blog, you know I'm a sucker for good stop motion animation.  Today's video comes from YouTuber GuizDP and takes the original Donkey Kong out of the arcade and onto his living floor.

You can watch the video embedded below and be sure to check out his other videos available on his YouTube channel here.  If you like what you see, be sure to subscribe.

As always, stay nerdy my friends.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

NERD ART: Happy Little Bad Guys

I'm always interested in different illustration styles, and the above piece just really caught my eye.  The art series, entitled "Happy Little Bad Guys" is from artist Mr. Florey, and features a number of classic villians from movies, TV and comics.

Click on the image above for a closer look.  If you like what you see, you can head on over to Mr. Florey's site to find prints of each individual character for only $5.

Stay nerdy my friends.

Via: GeekTyrant