
I like Ghostbusters, Doctor Who, Batman, Ninja Turtles, vintage Disney, Transformers, Superman, comics in general, Star Wars, cartoons and the 80's.  In essence, I'm a nerd.

For the longest time, I've tried to suppress my nerdy side because social norms growing up told me that liking the stuff I liked, was "uncool".  But in the last decade or so, something unexpected happened.  Somehow what was once considered "nerdy", became "cool".

Now that I'm in my late 20's, I've decided that I don't really care how other people view me and have let my nerd flag fly...and with unfettered gusto.  Picture over 25 years of suppressed nerdom coming out all at once.  So, since I don't have a whole lot of outlets to express my inner nerd, I've decided to start a blog.

Now it won't be a "blog" in the traditional sense, where I write long-winded or thought provoking posts about being a complete dork.  Instead, I intend on treating this site as a micro-blog/Tumblr.  Here you'll find all the things I find interesting that may be considered nerdy; that could include reblogged articles, nerdish thoughts, or random acts of nerdiness that I find just out and about.

Well, I'm not sure what else to say, so in true nerd fashion, I'm going to end this awkwardly.

Bye :)