Sunday, April 22, 2012

Superhero Film Alphabet

Stephen Wildish, creator of the 80s and 90s film alphabet I posted about a few months back, has come up with a new one, this time taking on superhero films.

Unfortunately, I don't think all of the images above have their own movies...yet (hint on V), but see how many you can get.

And if anyone can guess Y and Z, please let me know, because I have no idea.

Via: Geeks are Sexy


  1. A is for Amazing Spiderman,
    B is for Batman,
    C is for Captain America,
    D is for Daredevil,
    E is for Elektra,
    F is for Fantastic Four,
    G is for Green Lantern,
    H is for Hellboy,
    I is for Iron Man,
    J is for Jonah Hex
    K is for Kickass,
    L is for League Of Extraordinary Gentleman,
    M is for Meteor Man,
    N is for Nick Fury,
    O is for ????,
    P is for Punisher,
    Q is for Quicksilver,
    R is for Robocop,
    S is for Superman,
    T is for TMNT,
    U is for Unbreakable,
    V is for Venom,
    W is for Watchmen,
    X is for X-Men or Xavier,
    Y is for ????,
    Z is for Zor-El from Superman.

    1. Nice. O is actually for Orgasmo

      Still don't what Y is supposed to be.

  2. O is for Orgazmo - a 1997 comedy film written by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the creators of the animated series South Park.

    Y is for Yellowjacket aka Marvel Comics' Henry Pym, Ant-Man, Giant-Man and Goliath,

  3. Actually now I think Z is for Zoom.

    Technically while Yellowjacket has never been in a live action film, Antman has been in an animated Ultimate Avengers movie that came out of DVD. I think he has also been mentioned in some Marvel films like Thor.
