Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Google Working on Streaming Music Service; Music Industry Purportedly Happy

Earlier this week, rumors started to circulate that Google is currently working on developing a streaming subscription-based music service, similar to Spotify.  The service is said to be centered around paid subscriptions to YouTube music channels along with music only tracks.  Users would be able to either buy single tracks or have digital rights to a song/album, possibly through a pay-per-month type program.  Details are scarce, but sources are reporting that Google is aggressively working to beat Apple to market, which is also rumored to be creating a streaming service, targeting a release date sometime in Q3.

While Google initially had a hard time signing record labels to be apart of Google Music through Google Play, it appears that the music industry is highly interested in the potential of Google's offering.

Francis Keeling, Global Head of Digital Business at Universal Music Group, recently sat down for an interview with UK's Guardian, where he commented on his feelings towards Google's new venture:
We talk about for subscription services, the need to have a funnel. Google, with its hundreds of millions of users through search, YouTube with its more than 800 million users, arguably is the biggest funnel we could have. Clearly if we could get consumers into a legal funnel through that route and encourage them to subscription, that would have a very positive impact on the business.
However, there were some reservations that Keeling alluded to, mainly around pirating sites that continue to appear within Google's search results.
Like all search engines, there is a problem; we’re asking all search engines to prioritize legal services. We know that search engines are a primary route for consumers to be able to find music and hope all search engines will implement those changes.
I myself have somewhat mixed feelings.  While I think it's only natural for Google to move into this type of service offering, I feel that the market is already too crowded in terms of streaming music providers.  Services like Pandora, Grooveshark, Spotify and Rdio are free and already have a pretty extensive user base.  I personally already have paid subscriptions for Spotify Premium, SiriusXM and regularly pay for music from Google Play and Amazon.  The only way I can see Google really succeeding in this area is if there are some really unique features that Android can take advantage of.  Time will only tell.

What do you think about Google creating yet another streaming service?  Depending on the value it brings, would you be interested?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

As always, stay nerdy my friends.

Via: Droid Life

Monday, February 25, 2013

First Look at New Spider-Man Suit for The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Last week, director Marc Webb gave a little tease of what we could expect as far as Spider-man's new costume would look like in next summer's The Amazing Spider-Man 2.  Well, a little over a week later, we now have our first look at Peter Parker's new duds.

As Webb previously promised late last year, the new costume features much larger (white lensed) eyes and a number of smaller changes to the suit's color and texture.  You can see that this version of Spidey's costume is much more inline with his current Ultimate incarnation and has drawn a few comparisons to Sam Rami's Spider-Man films.  You can click the image to the left for a much larger view.

Also, to get a better idea of the changes, I've done a quick mock up comparing The Amazing Spider-Man suit against the sequel's version.  You can check that out after the break.

What do you think about the new suit?  Love it or hate it?  Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Well I'm Out: Michael Bay Casts Megan Fox for Ninja Turtles

Well I hate to be one of "those fans", but what little hope Michael Bay's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot had, just went out the frickin' window.

If Bay's comment on his official site is anything to be taken at face value, then it looks as if Megan Fox has officially joined Ninja Turtles.

TMNT: we are bringing Megan Fox back into the family!

While the comment doesn't shed any light onto who she'll be portraying, there's a limited number of female characters she could ultimately play.  So more than likely it will be the Turtle's human ally, April O'Neil...which is just horrible casting in my opinion.

One thing that is a bit interesting from Bay's comment , which SuperHeroHype pointed out, is his use of "TMNT" (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to the uninitiated).  Before the project was ultimately shelved due to script issues, Bay himself had indicated that the film would simply be titled Ninja Turtles.

With all the information that's come out about the film over the last year or so, I really hope it ends up falling apart.  It seems as if Bay really is going to completely alienate all Turtle fans, literally.  At least Nickelodeon's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles show is good.

What do you guys think?  Are you excited or horrified by the news?  Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Source: SuperHeroHype
Pic via: GeekMode

Saturday, February 16, 2013

First Look at Josh Brolin in Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

One subject I've stayed away from until now is the upcoming Sin City sequel, mostly because a majority news in the past revolved around rumor and speculation. But since things have become official, I've kind of dropped the ball.

Anyway, we have our first official look at the sequel, Sin City: A Dame to Kill For.  Director Robert Rodriguez posted a slight tease on Twitter yesterday, revealing our first look at Josh Brolin as Dwight (who was originally played by Clive Owen in 2005's Sin City).

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Grumpy Cat Cookies

"I had a cookie once.  I hated it."

The Grumpy Cat cookies are from Whipped Bakeshop, located in Philadelphia.

Also, on an unrelated note, I just wanted to make a quick post and leave a note regarding my lack of updates...again.  Again, I know there's been a TON nerdy news out lately, like the fact that J.J. Abrams will be directing Star Wars: Episode VII, that there are stand along, character specific films planned, ton of Star Trek, Iron Man 3 and Man of Steel stuff hitting the net, etc.  Things just have been very busy at work recently which has pulled me away from posting regularly during the day.

Again, I apologize for anyone that has truly enjoyed the blog and will be making a stronger effort to make time going forward.

Thanks for sticking with me and stay nerdy.

Source: Whipped Bakeshop
Via: Think Geek