Friday, June 21, 2013

Remembering 1990

While I've never been shy about my love of the 80s, I am more a product of the 90s.  I know the decade gets a bad rap for the cheesiness that came out of it, but you have to admit, there are some pretty great memories that came out of it.

"Remember 1990" was put together by YouTuber thepeterson and pretty much distills the year into 12 minutes of nostalgia joy...and surprisingly, it was a pretty awesome year.  I was a little young to remember some of what the video covers (I was six), but there's a LOT that just made me smile.

If you'd like to take a quick trip down memory lane, definitely give the video a watch.  You won't be sorry.  

Also, be sure to check out thepeterson's YouTube channel for a number of other "Remember" videos.

Thanks to Lindsay for sending my way :)

Via: Devour
Source: thepeterson

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Trailer for Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues

Anchroman 2 has been one of my most highly anticipated films for this year (outside of Man of Steel...which I saw...and freaking loved), so the fact we finally have an actual trailer, has just about made my day.

I can't wait until Christmas to see this film, because not only does it bring back everyone's favorite news anchor, but it brings him into my favorite decade: the 80s.

Give the trailer a watch and as always, let me know what you think in the comments below.

You stay nerdy (and classy) my friends...

Via: Nerdist

Monday, June 3, 2013

If Wikipedia Had Been Invented in the 80s

I've posted a couple of these in the past, but is back with another retro themed video, this time taking on what Wikipedia would've looked like in the 1980s.

Pause the video in order to fully read the content of each "search" to see just how much things have changed since my favorite decade.


Source: SquirrelMonkeyCom's YouTube Page

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Mini Stan Lee Crossplayer

I wanted to post this last week when it was still fresh, but unfortunately life got in the way #sadface.

Anyway, what we have here is probably one of my favorite cosplays to hit the web since Scruffy at last year's San Diego Comic Con.  Vincent Cracchiolo covered the Motor City Comic Con last week for Bleeding Cool and decided to bring his daughter Isabella along, but dressed as Stan "The Man" Lee.  What's even cooler, is that Isabella got to meet The Generalissimo himself for a quick picture (above).  Adorbs.

You can check out another pic of Isabella on the floor of the con after the break.

As always, stay nerdy my friends :)